Principal investigator: Dr Monica Acosta

Dr Monica Acosta
When I was an undergraduate student I was passionate about eye research and that passion has not banished, but increased to be a career that has become my best research achievement.
It was clear to me, during my undergraduate degree at the University of the Republic in Uruguay, that success would be up to my performance and determination. So I joined as an honorary assistant the Genetics Department where I studied the effect of genetic mutations on the fertility of flies.
Later on in 1993, I gained a position in the Department of Cell Biology through academic merits and exhibition of research skills. My first poster presentation was in 1996, when I was conducting studies for the master degree in Cell Biology. I gained invaluable experience in polytechnic chromosome preparations and detection of stages of Drosophila embryonic death. However, my interest in eye research and the Drosophila model persisted and I searched to join a group working in this field.
I was interested in a particular group in Japan working on Drosophila eye mutants. The laboratory of Prof Masahito T Kimura welcomed me and I started research under the co-supervision of Dr Kyohito Yoshida. I completed my Masters degree and engaged in a PhD in 1999 to study the genetics and molecular characteristics of Drosophila eye mutants, graduating in 2002. During my PhD I gained personal life skills reflected in my ability to adapt to multicultural research groups and attained basic research skills in genetic and molecular biology techniques necessary to conduct independent research.
After completing my PhD, I joined Professor Michael Kalloniatis’s group at the University of Auckland to study the development of the vertebrate retina. This was a fruitful experience resulting in the publication of several papers in prestigious journals and several conference presentations as an invited speaker. During my post-doc I investigated the neurochemical and biochemical signals associated with retinal degeneration. The investigation into retinal degeneration turned out to be my research career choice.
Now I have been leading a research group with initiative and purpose in achieving excellence in research. I am especially interested in guiding and supporting a research group that leads in the discipline of cell and molecular aspects of the retina in eye diseases. Through the support of colleagues at the New Zealand National Eye Centre and internal and external funds, I aim to continue this line of research that is attractive to postgraduate students, to external funding entities and that fulfils the requirements of a leading laboratory.
Dr Monica Acosta